What Kind Of Tenant Representation Do You Want?

What does it take for tenant representation to be a success? You will need people on your side who have a full understanding of the entire office market in your area and surrounding areas. You will also need someone who is dedicated to helping you fulfill all of your needs and interests.

Before you are given a lease, you want your representative to be able to give you a rundown of everything he or she has found. You will want to know the rental rates and all other conditions that have been placed in the lease.

You do not want a representative to simply hand you a lease and ask you what you think about it. The representative should be able to give you a full evaluation of the lease when you are discussing it.

When your representative completes evaluations of leases and different locations, you will have a better chance of narrowing down your top choices. You will also be able to make a more informed decision because you will have all the information you need.

When you have to make lease decisions, you will need to have a representative who is always paying attention to everything that is going on. Your representative needs to have a full understanding of the plans you have for your business, your operational strategy, your customer base, employee base, etc. Every lease that your representative brings you should fit with all of your current and future goals.

If you are looking for tenant representation, contact us today to find out what we can do for you.